
Salem Health Specialty Clinic – Pain Clinic

Imagine a future where you have more control over your pain.

The purpose of the pain clinic is to give people the best possible shot at life with less pain — and hopefully with less medication, too.

Instructor teaching Pain 101 class in front of a screen that says "Why do I still hurt?"
What to expect from us

At Salem Health’s pain clinic, our primary goal is to keep you safe. We’ll start by doing a comprehensive review of your records to create a safe plan of care. The following items will be part of this review:

  • Analysis of referral records
  • New patient screening forms
  • Pertinent imaging
  • EPIC chart notes
  • The Oregon Prescription Drug Monitoring report
  • Real Time Emergency Department Information Exchange database
  • Careful review of all high-risk diagnosis categories

Pain medication is prescribed in line with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Referral to our clinic does not mean you will be prescribed opioid medications. There are alternatives such as rehabilitation, non-opioid medications and acupuncture. It's not only about using medications, but instead about changing your lifestyle. To help you improve stress, sleep, healthy eating habits and exercise.

How to get started

Our clinic is referral only, so it's important to speak with your physician if you think we might be a good match. Our clinic will contact you once we receive your doctor's referral. Before we can schedule your first appointment, you must complete a new patient packet and return it to the clinic.


Resources and class info

These resources are produced by organizations outside of Salem Health. Reference to specific commercial products, manufacturers, companies, or trademarks does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by them and vice versa.

Pain 101: Intro to Pain and Its Treatment

This free six-week class series, hosted by the Salem Health CHEC, helps people living with chronic pain. During the classes, you will sample many different ways of coping with and improving pain — finding the personalized combination that works for you! No referral is required to take this class.

Don't wait to sign up, classes fill up fast. To learn upcoming dates or sign up for our next session, call the CHEC at 503-814-2432 or sign up online.

Understanding pain & what to do about it in less than 5 minutes

Learn more about chronic pain management through this educational short video.

Explore the surprisingly weird science of many kinds of chronic pain and injury. Learn more here.

Chronic Pain Anonymous support group

Chronic Pain Anonymous (CPA) is a fellowship of men and women from all walks of life who live with chronic pain and chronic illness. Learn more here.

Attitude of Gratitude With Chronic Pain support group

Connect online via Facebook with this group that discusses chronic pain and the experience it brings to each individual. Learn more here.



How to find us

Salem Health Specialty Clinic – Pain Clinic

2485 12th St. SE
Salem, Oregon 97301 

Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

503-814-7246 | Fax: 503-814-2484

Phone hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.